Meta Platforms (META) Stock Forecast, Price Target & Predictions


META Stock Forecast

Meta Platforms (META) stock forecast, based on 54 Wall Street analysts, predicts a 12-month average price target of $629.28, with a high of $780.00 and a low of $550.00. This represents a 351.52% increase from the last price of $139.37.

META Stock Rating

Meta Platforms stock's rating consensus is Buy, based on 54 Wall Street analysts. The breakdown includes 2 Strong Buy (3.70%), 41 Buy (75.93%), 10 Hold (18.52%), 1 Sell (1.85%), and 0 Strong Sell (0.00%).

Total 54 1 10 41 2 Strong Sell Sell Hold Buy Strong Buy

META Price Target Upside V Benchmarks

StockMeta Platforms351.52%
SectorCommunication Services Stocks List-
IndustryInternet Content & Information Stocks List-

Price Target Trends

# Anlaysts-459
Avg Price Target-$656.00$568.51
Last Closing Price$139.37$139.37$139.37
Ratings Trends

DateStrong BuyBuyHoldSellStrong SellTotal
Jan, 2513468-269
Dec, 2412478-269
Nov, 24214782280
Oct, 24214782280
Sep, 24214672278
Analyst Price Target Forecasts

DateAnalystCompanyPrice TargetPrice when PublishedPrice Target/Price when PublishedPrice Target/Last Closing Price
Oct 31, 2024Nat SchindlerScotiabank$583.00$591.80-1.49%318.31%
Oct 31, 2024Gil LuriaD.A. Davidson$700.00$591.8018.28%402.26%
Oct 31, 2024Ronald JoseyCitigroup$705.00$591.8019.13%405.85%
Oct 30, 2024Eric SheridanGoldman Sachs$636.00$591.807.47%356.34%
Oct 28, 2024Mark MahaneyEvercore ISI$600.00$578.163.78%330.51%
Oct 22, 2024Justin PostBank of America Securities$630.00$582.018.25%352.03%
Oct 17, 2024James LeeMizuho Securities$650.00$576.7912.69%366.38%
Oct 16, 2024Deepak MathivananCantor Fitzgerald$670.00$586.2714.28%380.73%
Oct 14, 2024Mark KelleyStifel Nicolaus$663.00$590.4212.29%375.71%
Oct 01, 2024Jeffrey WlodarczakPivotal Research$780.00$572.4436.26%459.66%
Analyst Rating Forecasts

DateCompanyPrevious RatingNew RatingRating Change
Jan 30, 2025Piper SandlerOverweightOverweighthold
Jan 30, 2025BenchmarkHoldBuyupgrade
Jan 30, 2025BernsteinOutperformOutperformhold
Jan 30, 2025BarclaysOverweightOverweighthold
Jan 30, 2025Pivotal ResearchBuyBuyhold
Jan 21, 2025Raymond JamesStrong BuyStrong Buyhold
Jan 13, 2025Wells FargoOverweightOverweighthold
Jan 10, 2025KeyBancOverweightOverweighthold
Jan 07, 2025Cantor FitzgeraldOverweightOverweighthold
Jan 03, 2025Wolfe ResearchOutperformOutperformhold

Financial Forecast

EPS Forecast

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Revenue Forecast

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Net Income Forecast

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META Forecast FAQ

Is Meta Platforms stock a buy?

Meta Platforms stock has a consensus rating of Buy, based on 54 Wall Street analysts. The rating breakdown includes 2 Strong Buy, 41 Buy, 10 Hold, 1 Sell, and 0 Strong Sell, reflecting a consensus that Meta Platforms is a favorable investment for most analysts.

What is Meta Platforms's price target?

Meta Platforms's price target, set by 54 Wall Street analysts, averages $629.28 over the next 12 months. The price target range spans from $550 at the low end to $780 at the high end, suggesting a potential 351.52% change from the previous closing price of $139.37.

How does Meta Platforms stock forecast compare to its benchmarks?

Meta Platforms's stock forecast shows a 351.52% upside, outperforming the average forecast for the communication services stocks list sector (0%) and outperforming the internet content & information stocks list industry (0%).

What is the breakdown of analyst ratings for Meta Platforms over the past three months?

  • January 2025: 18.84% Strong Buy, 66.67% Buy, 11.59% Hold, 0% Sell, 2.90% Strong Sell.
  • December 2024: 17.39% Strong Buy, 68.12% Buy, 11.59% Hold, 0% Sell, 2.90% Strong Sell.
  • November 2024: 26.25% Strong Buy, 58.75% Buy, 10.00% Hold, 2.50% Sell, 2.50% Strong Sell.