Our platform is designed to help deep-thinking investors prioritize insights over noise to make better choices and find opportunities faster.
Tailor your research based on any criteria and metrics, or use our ready-to-use templates. No excel sheet or code is needed.
Get a comprehensive high quality and curated database the institutions use for informed decision-making, and effective risk management.
Simple & intuitive tables, filters, and dashboards to help you shorten research time, and separate insights from noise.
Get comprehensive stock information, and compare stocks based on customized data tables and chart templates.
Track the latest industry trends, discover new investment ideas early, and benchmark stocks within specific segments.
Conduct position comparisons within funds, analyze the trading activity of institutions and get insights into their views on markets and individual stocks.
Comprehensive stock pages, include revenue breakdown (product & geography), analyst forecasts, ownership analysis, and more.
Customize your comparison based on your personal needs. No excel sheets or code are needed.
Choose from our ready-to-use tables and charts templates for your specific requirements.
Create your powerful comparison on the Tickergate platform.
User-friendly dashboards
Data point/Chart customization
Export data (Soon)
15 Years Historical Data
Institutional positions
Advanced table metrics
Pre-made comparison templates
Insights generator
Analysts database
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